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Who's Who?

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Zelda's Family

Zelda Barlin neé Goretsky 

1922 - 2006 

Sonia Goretsky neé Tabachnikov  

(1898 - 1974)


Zelda's Mother

(aka 'Ma,' 'Mother')


Abraham Goretsky (1890 - 1955)


Zelda's Father 


(aka 'Pa,' 'Dad')


Lawrence 'Larry' Goretsky (1926 - 2020)


Zelda's Brother


(aka 'Lay)


Louis Bobyn (1891 - 1947)


Sonia's Uncle

Zelda's Great-Uncle


(aka 'Uncle Lou')


Benjamin 'Baruch' Goretsky (1876 - 1953) 


Abraham's Brother

Zelda's Uncle


(aka 'Uncle Ben')


Esther Goretsky (1892 - 1934)

Abraham's Sister

Zelda's Aunt



Joseph Girman (1888 - 1959) 

Abraham's Brother-In-Law

Zelda's Uncle


(aka 'The Girmans')


Minnie Girman (aka 'Cousin Min')


Annie Girman (aka 'Cousin Anne')

1915 - 2004

Michael German

1918 - 1989

Louis German

1919 - 1941

Peggy Girman

1924 - 2008


Sherman Ghan (1906 - 1952) 

Sonia's First Cousin

Zelda's First Cousin 1x Removed




Rose Ghan neé Sood  (1914 - 1984) 


(aka 'The Ghans')



Lionel Ghan 

Melanie Ghan Nesbitt



Sherman is the Son of Sonia's Aunt, Leah Ghan neé Dvorbovna. Leah is the Sister of Sonia's Mother, Chai Feiga Tabachnikov neé Dvorbovna. 

Rachel 'Ray' Cohen neé Ghan (1903 - 2007)

Sonia's First Cousin

Zelda's First Cousin 1x Removed




Jacob Cohen


(aka 'The Cohens')


Esther Cohen Firestone (+ Paul Firestone)

Maury Cohen



Esther is Sister of Sherman Ghan. Esther is the Daughter of Sonia's Aunt, Leah Ghan neé Dvorbovna. Leah is the Sister of Sonia's Mother, Chai Feiga Tabachnikov neé Dvorbovna.

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Scotty's Family

Hyeman 'Scotty' Barlin
1917 - 2009

Leah Barlin neé Booke

(1879 - 1948)


Scotty's Mother


Samuel Barlin (1873 - 1955) 


Scotty's Father



Nathan Barlin (b. 1897)


Scotty's Brother

- Lived in Ohio in 19

Doris Barlin Gales (1902 - 1990)


Scotty's Sister


Anne Barlin Scherr (1904 - 1994)


Scotty's Sister


Lewis Barlin (1906 - 1982)


Scotty's Brother


Oscar Barlin (1910 - 2003)


Scotty's Brother


Gertrude 'Betty' Barlin Corrin (1915 - 2013)


Scotty's Sister


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Their Friends

Min 'Minnie' Yack (neé Sonenburg)


Zelda's Best Friend


Max Yack 

Minnie's Husband

Betty and 'H' Zeleny


(aka 'The Zelenys)

Bea and Al Hershfield


(aka 'The Hersheys')

Dora Kohm 

Zelda's Piano Teacher 




Sam Kohm

Scotty's Friend and fellow Pharmacist


Max Backalinsky

Zelda's Old Boyfriend

Max 'Speedy' Pierce

Marcia 'Marse' Anger

Zelda's Friend


Cecil Anger

Marcia's Husband

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